NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
The Glasgow Business Award for Fair and Healthy Workplace
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is delighted to once again be working with Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and sponsoring the Fair and Healthy Workplace category at The Glasgow Business Awards.
It is well understood that work is good for you, but as an accredited Living Wage employer, NHSGGC recognises that this work also has to be fair work, and sponsorship of this award category recognises the importance of this.
Employers who engage in creating a fair and healthy workplace create a happier workforce and reap benefits such as higher productivity, lower absence rates and greater retention of staff.
The role of the local Employment and Health team within NHSGGC is to support employers to create a fair, safe and healthy working environment for their employees, and to provide frameworks that employers can use to engage in staff health and wellbeing activities and programmes. The team can offer expert advice and support in staff health and wellbeing; including an extensive suite of free training on a wide variety of related topics. These include mental wellbeing, physical activity and financial wellbeing.
To access the list of training/webinars, or to subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, call us on 0141 201 4860 or email healthyworkinglives@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
For workplace tools, support and guidance visit the NHSGGC Employment & Health Team website: Employment and Health - NHSGGC
For local information on becoming more physically active, visit NHSGGC’s Live Active service offering a range of activities for all levels of fitness: Your Health - NHSGGC
Look out for updates from the Employment & Health Team on X and Facebook Like and share our page to access weekly information on a variety of workplace health and wellbeing topics. You can now also find us on Linkedin.
For information on the Fair Work Framework, including a summary and self-assessment tool: The Fair Work Framework - The Fair Work Convention