Scottish Water
The Glasgow Business Award for Sustainable Development
We look after Scotland’s most precious natural resource – Scottish Water is trusted to care for the water on which Scotland depends.
Publicly owned, we deliver essential water and waste water services to over 2.6 million homes and more than 160,000 business premises to support a flourishing Scotland.
We are responsible for over 2,000 water and waste water assets and an underground pipe network more than 60,000 miles long.
We deliver excellent service to customers and communities across Scotland, providing value for money and reducing our effect on the environment towards net zero emissions.
Our ambitious routemap to net zero will see us undergo sweeping transformation. we will change our behaviours and influence others to do the same. We will focus on becoming more energy efficient and embrace low carbon construction, whilst continuing to invest in renewable power technologies at as many of our sites as possible.
For more information on Scottish Water, visit their website.