Glasgow City Council
The Glasgow Business Award for Community Wealth Building
The Glasgow Business Award for Net Zero Achievement
Glasgow City Council is delighted to be sponsoring two awards: The Glasgow Business Award for Net Zero, and The Glasgow Business Award for Community Wealth Building (CWB).
The Glasgow Business Award for Net Zero recognises businesses which have successfully innovated through technology, services, products, internal operations or existing systems, raising their ambition and scaling their impact to support the city’s ambitious target of Net Zero by 2030.
The Glasgow Business Award for Community Wealth Building seeks to highlight businesses which, through their business practices, contribute to growing a stronger and more inclusive economy. As employers and procurers, these businesses will have organisational policies and practices that intentionally distribute their available assets to circulate wealth back into the local economy. They may also place control and benefits into the hands of the people they employ and/or purchase from through their people centred practice.
In sponsoring these awards, Glasgow City Council is demonstrating its own commitment to supporting an innovative, sustainable and green economy which works for all of our citizens, with a focus on community, equality and fairness.
Together with the city’s businesses, we will achieve our vision of making Glasgow a great place to live, to raise a family, to visit, to invest in and to work. To support this, we are committed to creating the right conditions to encourage enterprise to thrive, from global firms bringing large-scale investment, to the small and medium sized businesses and social enterprises which are the bedrock of local economies.
For more information on Glasgow City Council, visit our website.